Atera Keikoku: A summer destination near Matsumoto

Atera Keikoku is a ravine in the southern part of Nagano prefecture, along river Kiso. Because the water is clean and has a beautiful emerald green color, it’s a great place to go for a swim, but it’s also a popular hiking destination with beautiful views along the trail, and a camping spot.

If you enjoy hiking, from the entrance of the valley to the camping area up in the mountains a 6.3 km walk awaits you.
There are a number sites of interest along the way, including an abandoned forest railway and several waterfalls!
This time I decided to stay near the entrance where the water is warmer and it’s safer to swim.
The water is fresh and clean, and the place is crowded around noon, but it becomes more quiet around 3 PM.
You can also enjoy a picnic on the riverside.
Four seasons
In reality, the valley offers different scenarios in different seasons. I would recommend hiking in Autumn to enjoy the red leaves and bathing or camping in Summer.
Is it easy to reach Atera Keikoku from Matsumoto?
Yes, it is. From Matsumoto Station, you can get on the train for Nakatsugawa, which will take you directly to Nojiri station in two hours and a half. From there it’s a 20 minute walk.
There are not many trains going there and the last train back leaves at 6:30 PM, so be careful and enjoy your day trip!