Craft Fair Matsumoto 2013

Seasonal Topics / Sightseeing / Outdoor Activities / Experience / Culture Art / Shopping / Events
Fri, May 17, 2013
Craft Fair Matsumoto 2013

Photo by Matsumoto Keizai News (2012’s craft fair)

Craft Fair Matsumoto 2013 is on May 25th Saturday adn 26th Sunday at Agata no mori Park.

This annual event attracts about 70,000 to 80,000 craft fans from all over the country within just 2 days.   Agata-no-mori (あがたの森)park is located in the eastern side of downtown Matsumoto, 2 kilo meters east from JR Matsumoto Station, with total area of 61,000㎡ (15.07 acre).

In the park,  there is a historical architecture called Former Matsumoto High School which was established in 1919 as the 9th government school.  Currently this building (built in 1920’s) is designated as one of the Important Cultural Property and Prefectural Treasure of Nagano, which everybody can observe from inside.

At the festival,  280 craftsmen are going to gather and operate their open air shops all over the park.  There are various artists include wood carvings, ceramics, lacquerwares, metal works, weavings, dyeings, glass workers, leather makers and food producers.

See also report of 2007,  2008 and  2009 in “What’s New” Blog.

Read an article from The Japan Times : Matsumoto in May means “crafts”