Shimizu Middle School Art Club Exhibition

This December I had the chance to visit the exhibition of the Art Club of Shimizu Middle School.
A small gallery called Shinano Gabo シナノ画房 hosted it for the days of Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3rd.
The students ran the exhibition on their own with some help from their supervising teachers.

The gallery was crowded with happy visitors!
The artwork displayed was diverse in terms of technique and subjects, every work showed the personality of the young artist!
Here are some detaileid pictures of the artwork:
All visitors received a postcard to commemorate the event:

Visiting the gallery was a pleasant experience, it is nice to see that there is a chance for young people to organize their own events and initiatives. The artists are all extremely young and the artwork and organization were impressive.
Message from the artists
This year everyone is a skillful artist, even the younger members! If you have the chance we would be happy if you visit our exhibition next year as well to see the progress!