Matsumoto City Museum


Previously located next to Matsumoto Castle, the newly reopened (Fall 2023) museum offers a great range of interesting historical facts about Matsumoto. You can find the museum on your way to Matsumoto Castle from Matsumoto Station.

The Matsumoto City Museum features 3 floors for you to explore.

The permanent exhibition can be accessed from the third floor. This exhibition is split into 8 areas, all with their own themes, which you can browse in any order. The displayed exhibits have English transcripts, making it easy to learn about the history of Matsumoto and how the castle town developed into the modern city we know today.

Themes of the exhibition include « A Town with a Castle, » where you can view a miniature diorama of Matsumoto Castle Town as it was in the late Edo Period, « A Bustling Main Road, » where the importance of trade through Matsumoto is highlighted, and « Mountains With Us, » featuring a map of Matsumoto and its many mountains that you can walk over and check the famous sightseeing spots.

On the second floor, you can find the Special Exhibition Room, featuring limited-time only exhibits.

You can buy your entry tickets on the first floor, and for those with small children, you can also find a nice indoor play area.

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First floor: 9:00 - 21:00
Vacances de fin d'année
Closed Dec 29 to Jan 3
There may be temporary closures due to exhibition rotation.
College students
Adult group (20 or more)
College student group
10 Avr 2024