Beer is Back! Crowds Toast the Return of Matsumoto’s Craft Beer Fest

Sun, Sep 18, 2022


The last time Matsumoto Castle played host to the Craft Beer Festival was in 2019, before most people knew what a coronavirus was or how much it could change, if temporarily, our lives.

As Japan’s seventh and by far biggest wave of confirmed cases drops off it seems evident, at least by the crowds gathered yesterday, that there is a collective desire to reclaim our place in this world.


I was in the midst of another day of self-imposed isolation, cycling through the fields of Okada and up to the observation tower atop Keshibozu-yama, when I got a phone call.

“Yo Kev!” It was John. I can hear the ever-present positive vibe in his voice even as I type this. “Wanna go grab a beer at the Beer Fest? I’m on my way right now to meet up with a couple of people!”

Few things can coax me off my bike and away from what it brings me. Craft Beer is one of them.

Looking southeast over Matsumoto from Keshibozu-yama.

Despite the three-year hiatus, the good folks behind BeerFes Shinshu 2022 are on top of their game, making it super-smooth to get your hands and your taste buds on some of the best craft suds around. Tickets can be had singularly or, for a slightly better deal, in threes or fives. Every beer by every vendor goes for the same price. Tickets to drink in hand, the fun begins by hunting down the brews you want.





It took a while, but I eventually found John – along with a bunch of old friends and a few new ones too.




After three years I certainly hadn’t forgotten how much I enjoy a good craft beer. What I did discover was that I missed being out in the temperate Matsumoto September air quaffing a Pale Ale or (and, ahem) a Porter with a few hundred friends, in the presence of one of Japan’s most beautiful castles.


BeerFes Shinshu 2022 only runs through this Monday, September 19th. Even if you aren’t big on craft beer, head down for some food, some tapioca, or an ice cream cone while you drink in the vibe.

And if you can’t make it this time, there will be, I am sure, another Craft Beer Festival next year. And the year after that. And the year after that.

Because the energy, the collective pursuit of life and living well, has indeed returned to Matsumoto.

PS – Congratulations to the happy couple!