Komatsu Bakery


Komatsu Bakery is located close to Matsumoto Castle. Originally a grain shop during the Meiji Period, the bakery was later established in 1922. Komatsu Bakery was the first bakery in Matsumoto and the owner is very proud of its history and the current owner is the fourth in the bakery’s history.

Komatsu Bakery has the feel of a classic Japanese-style bakery and bakes about 130 varieties of breads, depending on the time and day you go. The owner, Mr. Komatsu, likes to create new kinds and styles of breads and give them unique names. The most popular breads are the Miso-pan (miso bread), an original recipe, and Gyunyu-pan (milk bread), and they also bake 13 kinds of loaf breads.

The owner says, “Making bread is difficult and interesting because the bread is alive. Making bread depends on the fermentation time and baking conditions, so through the bread, the owner demonstrates his long experience.” The third owner passed on his secrets for bringing out the natural flavors of the flour.

Shop Hopping Tickets

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4-9-13 Ote
Business Hours
Sun Holiday
and 1st, 3rd Mon
15-min walk from Matsumoto Sta (5-min walk from Matsumoto Castle)
  • Recommend

    Gyunyu-pan (Milk Bread)

    A very sweet bread filled with plenty of butter cream. Komatsu Bakery's most popular item.
  • Recommend

    Miso-pan (Miso Bread)

    An original recipe and a kind of local specialty in Nagano. It's believed that this bread was originally made for military rations during the Edo Period, as it has a long shelf life; however, it is now rarely found outside of Matsumoto.
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    Anpanman and Doraemon Character Bread

    Fun breads that resemble the shapes of popular Japanese cartoon characters. Anpanman bread is filled with cream and Doraemon bread is filled with chocolate cream so the kids will rejoice!
Jun 15, 2020