Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre Rooftop Garden

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center is the main theater in Matsumoto, and it hotsts shows and plays all year round.
The building has a free space with tables to study on the second floor, and the third floor is a rooftop garden where you can enjoy the view of the city, the Northern Alps and the Utsukushigahara area.
Access to the garden is free, you can enter from a secondary door on the left of the main entrance and take the elevator to the third floor, where the garden is.
From here you can see the central part of the city. There are benches all along the railing so you can rest and enjoy the view.
Here are some pictures of the garden and the view:

I recommend this rooftop garden if you enjoy looking at the view, if you like taking pictures, and if you are in town and are looking for a free space where you can rest!
Matsumoto, Fukashi 3-10-1