Serving “Sunki miso soup” for FREE!!

Seasonal Topics / Sightseeing / Experience / Gourmet / Shopping / Events
Fri, Dec 7, 2012

“Sunki” is a name of special pickled vegetables originated in Kiso area.  Since “Sunki” is processed through fermentation, it is full of savoriness with a tinge of sourness.

Every Saturday from December 1st to 22nd, “Sunki soup (miso soup with Sunki)” will be served to the visitors of “Michi-no-Eki (roadside stations)” in Kiso Area.

“Sunki” is made from Sunki turnips, go through fermentation and pickeled for several days.

Venue: Kiso Fukushima roadside station,   Mitake roadside station,   Shinkai (Furusato Taikenkan Kiso-Fukushima) roadstation,   Kaida Kogen roadside station and   Hiyoshi Kisokoma Kogen roadside station.

Date: December 1st,  8th, 15th,  22nd
(Every Saturday in December except Dec 29th)

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~
(50 to 100 servings will be prepared at each roadside stations.)

Charge: FREE!

If you have a chance to drive through Kiso area on the way to Matsumoto, it will be a good opportunity to taste local speciality at these roadside service stations during this period.