Local Food Fair

Experience / Culture Art / Gourmet / Shopping / Events
Thu, Jan 24, 2013
Local Food Fair

January 24th Thursday to 29th Tuesday

10:00 ~ 19:00 (10:00 ~ 17:00 on the last day)

INOUE Department Store (around JR Matsumoto Station, near Matsumoto Bus Terminal) on the 7th floor

← Click the map to see larger image.

Well – known “food & handicrafts shops” around Matsumoto region have gathered on the 7th floor, INOUE Department Store for 6 days from January 24th Thursday.  It is a good opportunity to get Matsumoto’s local food and products at one place. (You can save some time for shopping, and please enjoy our local gourmet!)

Bon appétit!!