Have a sweet tea time!

“Chez Momo” is located near the castle, just 20 meters east from “Frog Street East Entrance“.
The young owner of Chez Momo (The house of Momo’s) had created this tiny & cute cafe and confiture (jam) shop not so long ago, with an image of a little girl called Momo who lives in France. The chef has been to France, U.S., and other places where he had received some inspirations to create his original confiture store.
Chez Momo‘s original confitures are for sale at the shop.
They serve tasty coffee, tea and other drinks with some light meals (scones and waffles with his unique confiture).
Shown above is a “scone set” menu (600 yen), choose your favorite confiture from shop’s selection.
This time, I picked “Chocolate banana w/ orange” confiture. Deep chocolate flavor matched well with fresh bananas and oranges, and scones were just baked, so it was perfect to fulfill my tired brain.
The display of this little place may a bit girly, but I don’t mind so as my husband (maybe because he was with me).
Without these delicious scones and waffles, they serve tea, coffee and other interesting drinks (from 350 yen).
If your feet are a bit aching from exploration of the town, it will be nice to rest in the welcoming atmosphere cafe with sweet snack food and warm drink, and please enjoy nice conversation with the young venturous chef.
Chez Momo : Closed on Wednesday and the third Thursday
4-4-16 Ote, Matsumoto City