Garbage Sorting App “threeR” – Free Download!

Fri, Sep 29, 2017
Garbage Sorting App

Constantly baffled by the complexity of Japan’s garbage sorting? Now there’s a free app to help you figure out how to properly dispose of your garbage.


Called threeR (reduce, reuse, recycle) or さんあ~る, the free app is available for download via the App Store (iOS 8.0 or higher) or Google Play (Android OS 4.0 or higher). Matsumoto City is officially registered on the app.

After downloading the app choose “New Registration”, select “Nagano Prefecture”, then select “Matsumoto City”. After that, select your district and agree to the terms of service, and you’re all set!

Although some notices will appear in Japanese, you’ll find a calendar of when to take out certain items and charts detailing how to dispose of different types of garbage and recyclables written in English.

sorting_categories sorting_recyclables

While you may still need to carry your trash around with you due to the utter lack of public garbage cans, when you do finally happen upon that oasis of trash receptacles, hopefully you’ll be a little less confused about what goes where!