Fundoshi! Muscled Buns of Steel! Big Drums!

Fri, Jul 24, 2009

That’s right, it’s time for the 22nd Annual Matsumoto Taiko Festival!
Nineteen teams from all across Japan will be playing this weekend around Matsumoto Castle. On both days there will also be a massive performance by multiple teams playing a single song at once, and some unique drumming featuring a style of taiko that involves playing on bamboo.
Here’s the basic schedule:
7/25 (Sat)
13:30 – 15:50: Various taiko performances in front of Parco
16:30 – 21:00: Taiko Festival at Matsumoto Castle!
7/26 (Sun)
13:30 – 15:50: Various taiko performances in front of Parco
16:30: Taiko Festival start
19:45: Special Performance by Ondekoza (watch out for fundoshi, a kind of traditional underwear. And also a REALLY HUGE DRUM)
20:45: Special Multi-team performance
21:00: End
I’m a member of the Kojyo Taiko team, a local Matsumoto group! Everyone’s been preparing for months, so it’s going to be a great event! If you’ve never seen taiko before, you should definitely come. You can feel the sound from the large drums vibrate through your bones! Come over and check it out!