Come shake your Bon-Bon!

Tue, Jul 28, 2009

No, seriously.
Summer’s the season for festivals in Japan and if you check on the Events Calender there’s a huge one coming up at the end of the month. It’s time for Matsumoto Bon Bon!
This event shuts down central Matsumoto as hundreds of residents fill the streets to dance. It’s a good excuse for everyone to get outside and drink and revel (but being Japan, revel safely – this is definitely a kid-friendly event).
The festival lanterns went up on all the main streets over Marine Day weekend and Bon-Bon fever has been subliminally planted into everyone’s heads through constant replay of the Bon-Bon theme at grocery stores, shops, and from humming coworkers. I saw a couple groups practicing their dance routine over the weekend – we’re gearing up for a great festival, so definitely come join us this Saturday!