The Matsumoto Beer Fest: A Crafty Transition to Autumn

Yes, I know. My last post was about beer. Or a days-long festival centered around beer anyway.
At the end of that post (I’m sure you remember) was a heads-up about Matsumoto’s next beer-centric event. Well heads up! That event is going on now, through the long holiday weekend culminating on Monday, the first day of Fall. (Holy crap that’s today!)
The 5th Craft Beer Festival in Matsumoto is happening right there in the outer garden of Matsumoto Castle – which is how Lord Ishikawa would have wanted it, I’m sure. And the crowds have come out in hordes to revel in the atmosphere, damn the typhoon.

Of course, you don’t have to be a beer fanatic to soak up the vibe. You don’t even have to drink. It costs nothing but your time to take it all in. But hey, since you’re here…

…head for one of the ticket counters…
…then go off in search of that perfect brew. There are dozens of vendors serving up hundreds of full-flavored variations on the craft beer theme.

With so many different beers to try…

…things could actually get a little dangerous…

…but hey, you can handle it. Right? Then again, we are only (beer-loving) humans.
So go grab some food to go with your brew.

Grab a seat – if you can find one.

Or snag a table out by the moat.

And just take in the easy enjoyment of the cool Matsumoto afternoon.

The beer will flow until 5pm on this, the autumnal equinox. And if you find you’ve missed this year’s Craft Beer Fest, don’t despair. There will be another one next year – as if you needed a reason to come back and see us again. 😉
In the meantime, there’s a massive street performer festival brewing. Next weekend, Sunday September 29th from 10:30 to 6:30, creative types too many to count will be taking over the streets of downtown for Matsumoto’s 6th annual Daidogei, as advertised on banners flying all over the center of town.

And while there will be plenty of food and drink to be had at the Daidogei, this is one festival that, for better or for worse, centers around something not beer.
See you there!