Summer Festival Season

Thu, Jul 29, 2010

Now, the summer festival season started!
In downtown Matsumoto and the Fukashi Shrine, Tenjin Matsuri (heavenly gods sky festival) is held on July 24th-25th every year.
This year, the dates are Saturday and Sunday; so many people came to join the festival.
It is fun and a good opportunity for young people to wear Yukata (traditional Japanese clothes for summer) and meet with their friends at night on the first day in the shrine.

I pulled the float (dashi) of our town Nakamachi. Some foreign travelers were taking photos of traditional and unusual scenes of the float parade.
There are many summer festivals held in and around Matsumoto, such as fireworks festivals, taiko (drum) festivals at Matsumoto Castle and dance parade festivals like Matsumoto Bon-bon).