Showa Retro at Inoue

It is January so I have to say “akemashite omedetō gozaimasu!”.
Has your year started well?
In 2025 there will be some changes in Matsumoto city, as the signature malls of the city will close.
Inoue is closing this year, and to thank their customers they held a Showa Retro Exhibition on the 7th floor of the mall.
A friend and I decided to pay a visit on the last day as we both like Showa Retro.
Of course we did not get to experience Japan in the Showa Era, but we appreciate cafes and places that keep the athmosphere alive because it makes us think that during those times Japan must have been colorful and energetic.
Now we are in the Reiwa Era, after the Heisei Era, and Showa is relatively far from us. But I personally enjoyed this exhibition a lot.
I wonder what life was like back then.
Some people I know from the previous generation said that Showa was a fun time.
I was thrilled to see a Morning Musume poster and a collection of garakei (Galapagos Keitai, or old phones).
Did you know that you can Enjoy Showa Retro in Nagano prefecture as well? I would like to talk about that more in the future so please continue supporting our blog ^^
By the way, I am a bit surprised that winter is warm this year. I somehow miss the cold days of January 2023…