Setsubunsai 節分祭 February 3rd

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Wed, Jan 30, 2013
Setsubunsai 節分祭 February 3rd

Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of Spring in Japan.  Traditionally Japanese had followed Lunar calender, and the night of Setsubun was New Years Eve.  At “Setsubun sai”, a special ritual – “Mamemaki” takes place at shrines and temples all over Japan.

Here in Matsumoto, “Setsubun sai (節分祭 Setsubun festival)” will be held at Fukashi Shrine in downtown on February 3rd from 17:00.

“Mamemaki” means throwing roasted soybeans (fortune beans) both in and out side of the house in order to exorcise evil spirits.  At local shrines and temple, priests and invited guests throw roasted soybeans and some small gifts (sweets and interesting prizes (sometimes high quality TVs and such)) from the stage. Fukashi Shrine’s “Mamemaki ” starts from 18:00 on the 3rd of February.
The evil characters “Oni” usually come with red and blue costume wait for their turn at “Mamemaki”. There will be kids playing area for “Setsubun sai” at Fukashi Shrine on that night.

Mamemaki (豆まき)
Venue: Fukashi Shrine (downtown Matsumoto)
Date: February 3rd from 18:00 (17:00 ~ special  ceremony)