The smart place to stay; this hotel is not a chain and has friendly staff, comfy rooms, a good location not far from the castle, and reasonable prices. They are accustomed to dealing with overseas guests. Likely to be fully booked when events are being held, so plan ahead if you want to stay here. Not the cheapest in town, but great value for your money.

- Restaurant verfügbar
- Bade-Tagestouristen OK
- Zimmerservice
- Adresse
- 4-8-9 Ote
- Tel.
- 0263-32-0114
- 0263-33-4775
- Offizielle Webseite
- Reservations
- Preis
- Western-style single occupancy
- ¥8,640〜per person
- Japanese-style double occupancy
- ¥9,180〜per person
- Day-trip bathing
- ¥600
- Kapazität
- 206
- Zimmeranzahl
- Zimmer im japanischen Stil
- 14
- Zimmer im westlichen Stil
- 75
- Nichtraucherzimmer
- Alle Räume Nichtraucher
- Kreditkarte
- VISA/MASTER/JCB/Debitkarte/AMEX/UnionPay
- Parkplatz
Verfügbar ¥540
- Grundlegende
- Bus
- Shuttle Bus (Reservation Required)
- Auto
- 15 min from the Matsumoto Interchange
Geschäfte-Hopping Karten
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5% discount on drink menu at café