An affordable izakaya with delicious seafood from the Tsukiji Market, tempura, and perhaps the best happy hour in Matsumoto—100 yen beer and drinks from 15:00 to 18:00!

- 주소
- 1-4-6 Chuo
- 0263-33-8887
- 영업시간
월17:0024:00화17:0024:00수17:0024:00목17:0024:00금17:0025:00토16:0025:00일16:0023:0016:00–23:00 on holidays and the last day of a long holiday
- 정기휴일
Closed only on Dec. 31
- 찾아오시는 길
- 열차
- 3-min walk from Matsumoto Sta