- 天然溫泉
- 純泡湯
- 個人浴池
- 露天浴池
- 住址
- 4181 Shirahone Onsen Azumi
- 電話
- 0263-93-2101
- 0263-93-2339
- 費用
- One night with breakfast and dinner
- ¥24,990〜Weekday prices
Bath tax included
- Day-trip bathing
- ¥820Bath tax included
- 可容納人數
- 120
- 客房數
- 和室
- 22
- 和洋室
- 1
- 兒童餐
- 可
- 禁菸房
- 全客房禁菸
- 信用卡
- 停車場
可 Free
- 交通
- 搭巴士
- Alpico Shirahone Onsen Line's Awanoyu bus stop
- 搭車
- Take R158 from the Matsumoto Interchange, 40 km from Sawando on Route 300
Take R158 from the Tokai - Hokuriku - Takayama Interchange, 50 km from Sawando on Route 300